The Art of Forecasting: How to Strategically Allocate Your Budget for Retail Media Success

January 16, 2024

Budget planning for retail media

Welcome to our blog post on proper budget allocation for retail media! With the rise of e-commerce and online shopping, it has become imperative for brands to optimize their availability, assortment and visibility on the digital shelf. This is where retail media comes into play: a powerful tool that enables manufacturers to enhance their share of voice and boost overall visibility in search results, digital shelf, promo and ads.

Current Retail Media Mix

When it comes to budget planning for retail media, the primary allocation of budgets is a crucial step. This helps retailers determine how much they should invest in different advertising channels and platforms to maximize their return on investment.

One important aspect of budget allocation is understanding the current retail media mix. Retail media refers to the various channels through which brands can connect with customers and promote their products or services. This dynamic landscape encompasses both traditional and digital platforms, including print advertising, television commercials, online banner ads, social media campaigns, influencer partnerships, and more. Manufacturers need to evaluate which channels are performing well and driving results, and allocate more funds accordingly. 

According to a study on agency professionals' perspectives on retail media, specifically focusing on Retailer Media Networks (RMNs), conducted by The Path to Purchase Institute (P2PI) partnered with CVS Media Exchange (CMX) the current retail media mix is the following (this chart indicates a digital-first approach in current strategies):

On-Site Approach

A key factor to consider when allocating budgets is the health of the digital shelf environment. Allocating sufficient funds towards improving product visibility on these platforms can greatly impact sales and brand awareness. Additionally, measuring campaign metrics is key in determining the impact of Retail Media spending. Having comprehensive metrics related to share in Ads, Shelf, Search and Promo is pivotal for brands engaging in Retail Media. These metrics serve as the guiding compass, offering valuable insights into the performance and benchmark of marketing strategies within the retail landscape. Understanding the total number of advertising existing, shelf space allocation, search visibility, and promotional impact empowers brands to fine-tune their approaches, optimize investments, and strategically position themselves amidst competition. It enables them to make informed decisions, capitalize on successful tactics, and adapt swiftly to market dynamics, ultimately fostering brand growth and sustained success in the retail ecosystem.

Remember that effective budget allocation is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adjustment as consumer behavior evolves over time!

Retail Media Networks

Retail media networks have become an essential component of advertising strategies for retailers. These networks offer unique opportunities to connect with consumers and drive sales. But what are the most valuable attributes of retail media networks?

Working with the most valuable attributes of retail media networks has become crucial for agencies and retailers alike in order to gain a competitive edge. The power of retail media lies in its ability to effectively demonstrate favorable return on investment (ROI) and return on ad spend (ROAS). By providing tangible evidence that advertising investments generate substantial returns, retail media networks instill confidence in marketing strategies and allow businesses to allocate resources effectively. Equally important is transparency in data collection and measurement. Retail media networks not only collect vast amounts of consumer data but also present it in an accessible and comprehensive manner. Building robust partnerships with retailers emerges as yet another key attribute carrying immense value. In recognizing the symbiotic relationship between advertisers and retailers, retail media networks focus on fostering long-term collaborations that benefit both parties involved. Beyond strategic alliances lies another crucial aspect: being easy to work with. By streamlining processes, simplifying workflows, and offering exceptional customer service experiences along every step of the way, retail media networks pave a smoother path towards achieving objectives efficiently. Through clear communication channels paired with prompt responsiveness when addressing queries or concerns from clients or partners alike.

This transformative, but also demanding, trend in retail media networks presents tremendous revenue growth prospects for all stakeholders involved. McKinsey’s research indicates that over $1.3 trillion of enterprise value (EV) is at stake in the United States by 2026. This has potential revenue implications across the advertising value chain:

  • $820 billion for retailers who develop new, margin-rich media businesses
  • $280 billion for advertisers in the form of higher returns on ad spending (ROAS)
  • $50 billion for publishers from new ways of capturing additional ad dollars
  • $5 billion for ad agencies that deliver high-efficiency performance marketing for clients or help firms set up media planning and buying capabilities
  • $160 billion for ad-tech providers who offer martech solutions to firms that have no experience as media companies

Most Impactful Campaign Metrics

When it comes to measuring the success of your retail media campaigns, there are certain metrics that can provide valuable insights. These metrics help you understand how effective your ads are in driving sales and increasing visibility on the digital shelf.

Incrementality to category brand enlarge in brand recognition and loyalty among consumers. This signifies that through effective retail media strategies, brands are able to establish themselves as leaders within their respective categories, leaving a lasting impression on customers' minds. Additionally, the metric of incrementality to purchase frequency is related to engagement and repeat purchases. Moreover, measuring incrementality to store visits holds immense significance in foot traffic at physical stores attributed directly to carefully curated retail media efforts. This demonstrates how retailers have successfully leveraged various channels and platforms to entice customers into visiting brick-and-mortar locations instead of solely relying on online shopping experiences. Another key metric worth mentioning is incremental merchandising, indicating that strategic use of retail media has significantly contributed towards enhancing product visibility and sales performance across various markets and distribution channels. Finally, we cannot overlook the impact on basket size. Through innovative advertising techniques like personalized recommendations or cross-selling tactics enabled by comprehensive data analysis, retailers have managed to influence customers' purchasing decisions leading them towards larger transactions overall.

Key factors on budget allocation

When it comes to retail media, key factors influencing budget allocation play a crucial role in determining the success of marketing strategies. Firstly, the business size at the retailer is an important consideration. Larger retailers often have more resources and reach, allowing them to allocate a larger budget towards advertising and promotional activities.

Secondly, historical performance serves as a valuable guide in budget allocation. By analyzing past campaigns' results and return on investment (ROI), brands can identify successful tactics and allocate a proportionate budget accordingly. This data-driven approach ensures that resources are allocated effectively to maximize sales opportunities while minimizing unnecessary expenses. 

Lastly, targeting capabilities are another critical factor influencing budget allocation in retail media. Manufacturers must assess their ability to target specific customer segments accurately before allocating budgets towards personalized marketing efforts like programmatic advertising or social media campaigns. By aligning these key factors with strategic objectives, businesses can optimize their budgets intelligently within the realm of retail media marketing initiatives.


Proper budget allocation is vital in maximizing results from retail media investments. By carefully evaluating primary allocations, leveraging different components within today's robust retailscape ecosystem, and measuring incremental impact accurately, retailers can ensure that each dollar spent delivers maximum value. 

Even though retail media networks perform well when it comes to access to first-party data and real-time campaign optimization, campaign measurement could be improved. But… how? We invite you to become a part of our groundbreaking retail media transformation. With our innovative digital shelf revolution, we aim to redefine the way brands supervise their strategies. Our meticulously designed dashboard offers an unrivaled user experience, ensuring seamless navigation through the complete environment of Ads, Shelf, Search and Promo. As pioneers in this field, we understand the importance of simplicity and clarity when it comes to managing your retail media endeavors. Join us on this exciting journey towards reimagining retail media – together we can unlock endless possibilities for your brand's success!

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